
The Bad Guys, an animated heist comedy movie coming out in 2022, is based off of Aaron Blabey's children's book series of the same name. Produced by DreamWorks Animation Studios and distributed by Universal Pictures, it features a star-studded voice cast including Sam Rockwell, Marc Maron, Awkwafina, Craig Robinson, Anthony Ramos, Richard Ayoade, Zazie Beetz Alex Borstein and Lilly Singh. The film follows an animal gang as they attempt to carry out a heist. It was directed by Pierre Perifel (making his directorial debut) and written by Etan Cohen.
The movie, The Bad Guys, is a 2022 computer-animated heist comedy film based on Aaron Blabey's children's book series. It was produced by DreamWorks Animation Studios and distributed by Universal Pictures. Pierre Perifel directed the film as his first feature directorial debut with Etan Cohen writing the script. Sam Rockwell, Marc Maron, Awkwafina, Craig Robinson, Anthony Ramos, Richard Ayoade,Zazie Beetz Alex Borstein,and Lilly Singh star in the voice cast for this tale of a group of animal criminals.

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