
"Traffic-Light simulator" is a game that puts players in the shoes of a traffic controller responsible for directing the movement of vehicles at a busy city intersection. Against the backdrop of a lively urban environment, players must skillfully control a traffic light to prevent gridlock, collisions, and keep traffic flowing smoothly. As levels progress, the volume and intricacy of vehicles on the road challenge players' ability to make quick decisions and react swiftly.
In "Traffic-Light simulator," players step into the shoes of a traffic controller in charge of directing vehicles at a busy city intersection. Against the backdrop of a bustling urban environment, players must strategically control a traffic light to avoid jams and accidents while keeping traffic flowing smoothly. As levels progress, the game ramps up in difficulty, challenging players' quick thinking and ability to make split-second decisions.

Comment jouer

To begin, simply initiate training level "0" and an officer will provide a brief tutorial on proper conduct in various situations. The instructor will cover the fundamental aspects of the game and get you ready for more challenging tasks.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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