
Jouez sous les traits de "Wolf", un célèbre chasseur de monstres lors de sa dernière aventure pour se racheter et devenir le plus connu des siens contre des hordes créatures issues des sombres forêts. Soyez impitoyable face à chaque monstre qui croisera votre chemin pour augmenter votre score tout en collectant des pièces afin d'améliorer vos bonus cachés dans toute la forêt obscure.
Incarnate the legendary 'Wolf', an expert hunter of monsters, in his final quest to restore his reputation and rise as the ultimate figurehead among his peers by battling swarms of hideous creatures dwelling within ominous woods. Spare no quarter for any remaining beast that dares obstruct your path, scoring additional points as you traverse the treacherous terrain collecting coins to uncover hidden power-ups scattered throughout these enigmatic forests.

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