
Deep in the dungeons of a distant fairy kingdom's magical castle, an enigmatic sorceress tirelessly concocts potions. Her ultimate goal is to transform herself into a regal princess, find a prince charming and live out her own enchanting love story. Get involved by assisting in mixing up some beauty elixirs and carrying out an ugly-to-pretty transformation! Witch Princess Makeover is your perfect pick for reliving fairytale nostalgia with mini-games featuring potion-making, salon dress-up sessions, and a happily-ever-after finale.
In the depths of a mystical fortress located in a distant realm of enchantment, an enigmatic sorceress works tirelessly to concoct potions that will transform her into royalty. Her goal is to secure a prince charming as her significant other and live out a dreamy fairy tale wedding. Can you aid her in preparing an alluring elixir for an aesthetical transformation? Participate in this magical endeavor with Witch Princess Makeover - among the finest fairy tale games featuring potion crafting, dress-up session, and ending on a high note!

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