
The tale kicks off with King Zulifer falling ill from the dark magic of the black witch. Princess Zenifer must now gather Leaf stones by conquering each level. As players take on the role of Princess Zenifer, they must flee from the Rock monster through a path filled with traps and enigmatic adventures. Caution is key! One wrong step on the platform could mean game over. And don't overlook gathering those crystal coins! This game boasts top-notch graphics that are sure to impress, all while keeping a minimal file size without sacrificing quality.
The tale commences with King Zulifer and his realm, but he falls gravely ill from the black witch's enchantment. Princess Zenifer must acquire Leaf stones by conquering each level. Players embody the role of the princess as she evades the Rock monster through a perilous path filled with traps and enigmatic escapades. Caution is advised! One misstep on the platform spells game over. Keep an eye out for crystal coins along the way. This game boasts high-quality graphics that are sure to impress players, all in a compact size without sacrificing quality.

Comment jouer

To play Android, tap the screen; on PC, use the left mouse click to jump.

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