
Traverse through a post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead. Wield your firearms to eradicate all zombie threats that impede your progress. Dodge obstacles and steer clear of other automobiles while traveling as far as possible. Zombie Squad grants you the freedom to select and enhance your vehicle of choice. Customize its weaponry or reinforcement for a unique look and enhanced performance. Fresh car models are also available for purchase from the store. Slay every zombie barring your path, collect coins for added bonuses, and improve upon your ride in this sensational gaming experience.
Traverse a world overrun by the undead. Take aim and dispatch any approaching zombies. Dodge hazards while keeping an eye out for other vehicles, pushing yourself to go as far as possible. Zombie Squad empowers you to select your own vehicle and enhance its capabilities through customization options like swapping weapons or adding armor plating. Additionally, browse the store for fresh wheels with distinct advantages. Wipe out all zombie opposition, collect coins in abundance, and make improvements to your transport within this captivating adventure.

Comment jouer

Utilisez les flèches du clavier pour manœuvrer la voiture zombie.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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