In Akochan Quest 2, a 2D platformer with an Anime theme, you take on the role of Akochan - a young girl tasked with collecting necklaces and reaching the Yellow flag to advance through eight progressively challenging levels. Along the way, players must navigate dangerous obstacles including zombies, flying heart monsters, rotating blades, and spikes. This is the second installment in the "Akochan Quest" series. Moving your player can be done using either "WASD" or "Arrow" keys while double jumps are performed by pressing "W" or tapping the "Up" arrow key twice.
In Akochan Quest 2, players take control of the protagonist Akochan, a young girl on a mission to collect necklaces and progress through eight levels filled with obstacles such as zombies, heart-shaped flying monsters, rotating blades, and spikes. The ultimate goal is to reach the Yellow flag which signals completion of each level. Difficulty increases as you progress further. This game is part two in the Akochan Quest series. To move your character around use either "WASD" or "Arrow" keys. If you need to double-jump simply hit "W" or twice press "Up".
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