
Ino Valentines 2 is a captivating romantic platformer that follows an anime boy's quest to retrieve all heart-shaped chocolates while dodging various obstacles such as zombies, flying demons and dangerous projectiles, sharp spikes and rotating blades. The ultimate goal is reaching his girlfriend in order to advance through the game's eight progressively challenging levels. This serves as the second installment of its predecessor "Ino Valentines". Players can control their character using either "WASD" or "Arrow" keys for movement, and are able to perform double jumps by pressing "W" or "Up" arrow key twice.
Ino Valentines 2 is a romantic platformer set in a 2D world. As an anime boy, your mission is to gather all the heart-shaped chocolates while dodging obstacles such as zombies, flying demons and their bullets, spikes and rotating blades. To get to your girlfriend and access the next level. With eight challenging levels to play through, each stage becomes increasingly difficult. This sequel forms part of the "Ino Valentines" series with familiar gameplay mechanics from its predecessor. Movement controls are done using either "WASD" or "Arrow" keys whilst "W" or "Up" arrow key can be used twice for double-jumping ability.

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