Ichikas Adventure 2 is a 2D platformer inspired by anime, where you take on the role of Ichika, an Anime girl. Your objective is to collect all the necklaces while dodging various obstacles such as enemies and their bullets, flying creatures, spikes and saws. Upon reaching your house's door, you will advance to the next level. There are 8 levels in total and each one presents an increasingly difficult challenge. This version represents the second part of the original "Ichikas Adventure" franchise. To control your character use either "WASD" or "Arrow" keys for movement; double jump can be achieved with a double tap of either "W" or "Up".
Ichikas Adventure 2 is a charming anime-style 2D platformer that follows the journey of Ichika, a spirited young girl. Our protagonist must retrieve all the necklaces while skillfully dodging bullets, flying creatures, spikes and saws to reach her door and progress to the next level. With eight levels in total, each one presents an increasingly challenging task as you play. This second game in the Ichikas Adventure series features intuitive controls using either WASD or arrow keys for movement and double jump with two taps on W or Up arrow key.
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