
Japanese art of anime, also known as Japanimation, involves hand-drawn and computer animation. Originally deriving from Japan, the term "anime" relates to all types of animated media in Japanese culture. However, outside of Japan specifically refers to animation from or influenced by Japan, showcasing vibrant characters along with distinctive graphics and fantasy themes. This broad interpretation opens up avenues for potential anime productions beyond the borders of Japan.
hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan is commonly known as anime, also referred to as Japanimation at times. The word anime comes from the English term 'animation' but in Japan, it encompasses all forms of animated media. However, outside Japan, anime specifically relates to Japanese animation or a style of animation that features colorful graphics, vibrant characters and fantastical themes. This more abstract definition leaves room for other countries to produce anime as well.

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hat emerged to describe US fans. This group of people, often referred to as wapanese or weeaboos, consists of white individuals who have a strong fascination with Japanese culture and anime subculture.

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