A horde of beasts and barbaric entities from an alternate realm have begun to infiltrate our planet and slaughter innocent civilians. The nation's final chance rests solely on you - the commander of a duo of exceptional fighters capable of thwarting this attack. You possess the ability to put an end to this conflict, however, it will be a strenuous fight. Your survival is paramount... no matter the circumstances!
A multitude of extraterrestrial monstrous and savage beings have begun an invasion on earth, causing fatalities. The only hope for the country lies in your hands as you are leading a duo of elite soldiers capable of thwarting this attack. You carry the responsibility to stop this war, however, it is anticipated to be a colossal battle where survival is not guaranteed.
Menez votre équipe vers la victoire finale en utilisant une multitude d'armes pour vos soldats. Assurez la défense de votre base avec efficacité.
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