In order to safeguard humanity, it is crucial to repel extraterrestrial creatures who have launched an assault on our planet. Sadly, they are wreaking havoc and causing widespread destruction. However, a glimmer of hope exists in the form of ALPHA DESTRUCTOR 1 - a potent weapon that could put an end to this conflict once and for all. Regrettably, the cannon has not been fully developed yet which means guarding it against enemy attacks is imperative.
To prevent destruction by extraterrestrial intruders, it is imperative that you safeguard the planet. These invaders have already initiated an assault on Earth and are causing damage to human life. The ultimate solution lies in a colossal weapon named ALPHA DESTRUCTOR 1, which possesses enough power to annihilate these alien beings and bring peace. However, this weapon is still under development and not yet fully functional. Therefore, it's your responsibility to defend ALPHA DESTRUCTOR 1 from the invaders' attacks until it's ready for use.
To emerge victorious in the game, strategic use of each unit's unique traits is essential. Do not let your opponents progress towards ALPHA DESTRUCTOR 1, as it could spell doom for humanity.
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