The BodyBuilder Ring Fighting Club: Wrestling Games is an exciting 3D fighting game where players engage in thrilling battles against the leaders of rival gym training clubs. This innovative game blends elements of karate, fight club, wrestling games, judo, boxing, and aikido to provide a comprehensive fitness experience. As you prepare for your match, the anticipation builds with the sound of ringing bells and cheering crowds from around the world eager to watch you compete in Thai BodyBuilder Ring Fighting: Wrestling Games.
BodyBuilder Ring Fighting Club: Wrestling Games is a thrilling 3D fighting game that sets you against the powerful dons of Gym training clubs. This exciting gym-packed game offers a fresh concept, fusing karate, fight club, wrestling games, judo, boxing, and even aikido to give players an array of fitness lessons. Brace yourself for the fight as the bell rings and the crowd cheers from all around the world in anticipation of your battle on the world ring.
Veuillez contrôler le culturiste en utilisant les flèches du clavier. Pour sauter, utilisez la barre d'espace et pour combattre, utilisez Z,X,C,V,A,S.
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