
In imperial court legend that dates back to the 1st century, Yokai spirits are making their move, aiming for world domination. These supernatural monsters with shadow spirits, known for eating human souls, have now become a mysterious and dangerous presence of beasts and ghosts. You are humanity's final defense against these hordes of Yokai who relentlessly pursue you.
A long-standing tale from the imperial court of ancient times is unfolding. The Yokai spirits are beginning to emerge and assert their dominance over the world, seeking to devour human souls. These enigmatic creatures, comprised of various beasts, shadows, and ghosts, pose a grave threat to humanity. As swarms of Yokai with shadowy spirits come for you, rest assured that you represent mankind's final chance at survival.

Comment jouer

Place yourself facing your adversaries and initiate the fight. Every foe possesses unique traits. Your physical condition is displayed through a health gauge.

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Jeux similaires à Boxing Fighter Shadow Battle

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