
Experience the beloved 3D version of the classic labyrinth game on your browser! Navigate a wooden maze with a steel ball, utilizing joystick conrols for smooth movement. Earn personal highscores and strive for a 3-star rating on each level. Realistic physics and sounds enhance the gameplay, while earning coins allows you to continue after failing a level.
Experience the iconic Classic Labyrinth 3D game, featuring a wooden maze and steel ball, now available in your browser. Delight in this traditional marble labyrinth with features such as precise ball physics, joystick control, smooth movement, personalized high scores, a 3-star rating system, earning coins for each level completed with 3 stars, realistic sounds, and the option to use coins to continue after failing a level.

Comment jouer

Navigate the steelball to the target using either your mouse or arrow / wasd keys. Be mindful of avoiding holes and obstacles along the way. Try to complete each level quickly in order to collect coins, which can be used to resume play after falling into a hole.

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