
The integrity of the energy system is at risk. Take charge of the Power Ball, gather energy points, and power up the central port. Hostile energies are actively working against your progress. Utilize various forms of protective discharges to safeguard the Power Ball from their attacks. Advancing in levels will grant you points that can be used to upgrade the port and further enhance defensive capabilities. The yellow line below represents how much charge has accumulated within the Power Ball, while the blue line indicates available quantities for defensive utilization purposes.
The stability of the energy system is at risk. You must guide and safeguard the Power Ball, accumulating energy points to charge the central port. However, enemy forces are working against you with their own sources of energy. The Power Ball can be shielded using various forms of protective discharges. Every time you successfully recharge the port, you will acquire valuable points that can enhance both its overall capabilities and other defensive features. To track your progress in powering up the ball, there is a yellow line indicator located below it. Likewise, a blue line gauge displays your supply of available defensive measures.

Comment jouer

Select the location for relocating the Power Ball. The red button located on the bottom right side can be used to execute defensive discharges and charge the port simultaneously. To access auxiliary functions of an unlocked port, make use of three buttons placed on the left-hand side. If you are using a computer system, pressing the space bar would work as an alternative to clicking on the red button. In-game release keys 1, 2 and 3 (not present on numpad) could be utilized for accessing auxiliary port functions. Energy and discharges status is indicated by blue and yellow lines respectively.

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