As the owner of a popular burger joint, your primary responsibility is to ensure prompt delivery of diverse burger orders. Timeliness is essential given that some customers can be rather demanding. Speed is crucial as you'll always be battling the clock. Gameplay involves selling and creating an assortment of burgers in both world 1 and world 2 modes while attempting to set new records by producing the maximum number of burgers possible via time trial mode.
As the owner of a popular burger shop, it's imperative to meet customer demands promptly. It's crucial to work efficiently as customers often have little patience. The objective is to deliver orders quickly since time is of the essence. The game offers two modes, world 1 and world 2, providing numerous burger options for sale. In the time trial mode, you can compete with yourself and aim to outdo your previous record by making as many burgers as possible.
Il est recommandé d'utiliser uniquement les boutons de la souris.
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